All together, better
From the little to the life-changing, we make it all add up
It feels good to be B Corp
We’re committed to a future that’s all together, better.

Together for savers
Savers are in safe hands with us – and so is their money. Our incredible customer service makes us special, saving our members time and effort.
In 2023, we paid an extra £342 million of interest than if we’d just matched the average rates paid 1.

Together for borrowers
We help borrowers at all stages of life to buy their own home. Most recently, we’ve been helping first time buyers with a First Home Saver account.
In 2023 we helped over 6,300 first-time buyers move into their dream home.

Together for communities
We care about making life better, not only for our members and our employees, but also the communities in which they live and work.
In 2023, we launched our partnership with Centrepoint, the UK’s leading youth homelessness charity.

Together for the environment
We’re doing everything we can to help protect the environment for future generations. We want to have a positive impact on the environment we all share.
We continue to send zero waste to landfill and have done since 2017.
We get noticed for the things we do

Most transparent for savings
(autumn 2024)