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We’ve got nothing to hide – and we like to keep things simple. Our nifty tool helps you compare our accounts with those from other providers. That way, you can make an informed choice. Get started by clicking an account.
We use the latest data from, an independent comparison service. Moneyfacts aims to include at least 95% of providers of UK-based personal savings accounts. We’ve left out Additional Allowance ISA because it’s only for those whose deceased partner had ISA savings.
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- Mon-Fri 8am-7pm
- Saturday 9am-2pm
- Sunday & Bank holidays Closed
Yesterday, people waited on average
17 seconds for savings enquiries
17 seconds for mortgage enquiries
Want help?
Our help section is bursting with useful information. If you'd rather chat, just give us a call.
Call us on
0800 121 8899
9am - 2pm
8am - 2pm
Yesterday, people waited on average
19 seconds for savings enquiries
27 seconds for mortgage enquiries