man walking dog

We’re here to help 

you get those keys

Saving for your first home can be exciting, daunting and sometimes overwhelming – don’t worry, these are all normal ways to feel. We’re here to help you make the most of every penny you manage to save and give you some helpful tips along the way.
man walking dog

We’re here to help 

you get those keys’

Saving for your first home can be exciting, daunting and sometimes overwhelming – don’t worry, these are all normal ways to feel. We’re here to help you make the most of every penny you manage to save and give you some helpful tips along the way.
man walking dog

Trust the experts

So you’ve decided to start saving for your first home? Congratulations! It’s an amazing feeling when you unlock your own front door. Here’s some things to consider:
First things first
To start with, you need to think about how much money you might need to save in order to buy your first home. Our affordability calculator can help with this.
Make the numbers add up
That’s where we come in! Let us help you save for a deposit in a dedicated account, then if you put the money towards a deposit with a CBS mortgage, we’ll give you a £500 celebratory bonus.
Do your homework
Time to get reading! Find out everything you can about types of mortgages, the process, your credit rating and fees. There’s lot of resources out there, but Move iQ is a good place to start.
How to find the right spot
Decide where you want to buy! They don’t say ‘location, location, location’ for nothing. You can always improve a house, but you can’t improve its location.

Everyone deserves that home owner moment

Start saving for your first home or help someone else, we’re here for you. Have a look at our First Home Saver.