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Our new app is straightforward and secure, and you can check your savings balance and view your transactions on the go.


Download the app here and get started today.
Warning icon
The Bank of England Base Rate decreased by 0.25% to 4.75% on Thursday 7 November 2024.

We’re decreasing most of the rates on our variable savings accounts effective 2 and 3 December 2024.


Base Rate Tracker mortgages will decrease by 0.25% in line with the base rate decrease on 1 December 2024.

Our charity partner - Centrepoint

Centrepoint logo
We're honoured to support Centrepoint, the charity aiming to end youth homelessness in the UK. As part of our partnership, we'll donate £5* to Centrepoint each time you open an account with us until 19 December 2024. Terms apply.

Save time with our app

Straightforward and secure, with our new app you can check your savings balance and view your transactions on the go.


Download the app here and get started today.

Save more

Earn more for longer on savings you don't need access to for a while

Knowledge Centre

Your go to resource for expert insights on savings and mortgages
Illustration of a person completing a rubix cube puzzle

Important update

From 7 October 2024, new rules give you more protection against scammers.

Want help?
Our help section is bursting with useful information. If you'd rather chat, just give us a call.


Call us on 0800 121 8899

Lines open
  • Mon-Fri 8am-7pm
  • Saturday 9am-2pm
  • Sunday & Bank holidays Closed
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Want help?
Our help section is bursting with useful information. If you'd rather chat, just give us a call.


Call us on

0800 121 8899

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